The Digital Pass



If you can’t make it to the Trossachs in September, but still want a taste of one of Scotland’s most unique food festivals, you’re in luck - because this year we’re offering an online festival pass. It’s your ticket to learning about Scotland’s incredible natural larder, from anywhere, at anytime.


How does the DIGITAL pass actually work?

Embark on an adventure of foraging, cooking, and knowledge-expanding wild food research. Throughout the Scottish Wild Food festival weekend, a selection of talks and demonstrations will be professionally recorded, to be made available post-event as a streamable video package. This can be purchased on our site, the same as our in-person tickets, essentially giving you select coverage of the event from the comfort of your own home. You can play back all of the videos from your smartphone, tablet, computer or smart TV, and recordings will be available for at least a year after the event.


We will combine at least five of our essential talks on wild food - how to find it, how to prepare it and how best to use it - for just £10. This is great value for the years of expertise that our demonstrators have curated. 

For an extra £5, you can also download our Festival Recipe Booklet, which will showcase exactly how to use these amazingly diverse foods in your own kitchen.

For a breakdown of the sessions that will be included, please click here*.

Sounds Good, but is it any different from youtube?

With a Digital Festival Pass, you’ll gain access to exclusive in-depth knowledge from expert foragers and industry specialists to watch in your own time, at your own pace. As well as bringing you a taste of the festival atmosphere, the video package is also designed with accessibility in mind, tying in with our values of making foraging and wild food something that everyone can get involved with, no matter who they are and where they live. Oh, of course, you won’t have to sit through any adverts! 

So, whether you’re a home cook looking to incorporate wild ingredients into your recipes, a health-conscious person interested in the nutritional benefits of wild foods, or perhaps someone with a deep interest in biodiversity and how we can better understand this within an environmental context, the Scottish Wild Food Festival’s Digital Pass is a great way to learn directly from expert sources, all while financially supporting a small, volunteer-run event.